Imagine going to Village Inn with some friends paying for a full pie and the server brings you one-third of your pie, puts it on your table and walks away. Imagine paying for a movie and one-third of the way through, the screen goes black and the lights turn on- and you quietly leave. Imagine […]
Don’t be “THAT guy!”
Most of us drive automobiles. All of us drive bicycles. Anybody who does is aware of the ongoing difficulty of law enforcement enforcing our laws and the wider motoring community to observe those laws. Allow me to make some humble suggestions on how you can, while on the road, bring awareness to us. First and […]
Busted- GEICO Adjusters get paid more if they pay less on a claim.
We all know that the corporations give their CEOs huge bonuses (some would say obscene) for the company’s profitability. Only in the last 30 years have we seen situations where CEOs still get these huge bonuses even without the company performing well. This must be different for insurance companies. “An insurance company owes its insured […]
Don’t buy into “Blaming the Victim.” You didn’t cause your injury.
I am reminded by the recent case of the ESPN newscaster, Erin Andrews, who was filmed by a stalker naked in the privacy of a room at a hotel for which she paid. The stalker asked the hotel staff to give him the room next to Ms. Andrews. Without inquiring and checking this weird request […]
You as a legal warrior against wheel traps.
What do the below three photographs have in common? First, if you ride, these may make your blood run cold. These have caused death, disfigurement, scarring, nerve loss, traumatic brain injury, broken bones and dislocations. These things can be are potholes, excessively wide grating over drainage channels, gaps between the pavement and the adjoining curb, […] Co-sponsors 7th Annual Bicycle Bash!
Shown here with Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn one of the celebrities attending, Steele watches on as Hizzoner rings the opening bicycle bell during the opening ceremonies of the SWFBUD 7th Annual Bicycle Bash at Cotanchobee Park in downtown Tampa, Florida. The weather was stupendous with attendance by nine bicycle shops, four bicycle interested governmental entities, […]
Vulnerable User Laws
I was asked to write about vulnerable user laws this month by a request to To gain some perspective, let’s say you are helping set up the wedding reception for the sister of a friend whose family is wealthy, your friend gives you a bottle of wine and says, “Please carry this to the […]
Attorney supports Tampa Police bicycle safety awareness program
TAMPA — J. Steele Olmstead of has donated $2,000 to the Tampa Police Department for more “Share the Road It’s the Law” decals on the police cars’ rear windows. Shown here with Steele is Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn and Chief of Police Jane Castor of the Tampa Police Department accepting the ceremonial check. The […]
We Are All Drivers
Time to change the “frame” of the debate. I was at the SWFBUD “Bicycle Bash” in Tampa in November 2012 and had a lot of people stop by my booth and discuss how we can improve our lots from a legal standpoint. Our problem as serious cyclists who want the laws in our favor enforced […]
Safety on a Human Powered Vehicle

When I talk with the drivers of human powered vehicles like bicycles, tricycles and recumbents, their greatest fear is contact with a motorized vehicle. Pedestrians and human powered vehicles share the same status: you are a vulnerable user of the public roads; You are more likely to be injured in a crash with any motor powered […]