From looking at television and billboards, listening to radio commercials and reading refrigerator magnets which arrive on a new phone book, you’d think personal injury (“accident“) lawyers are supposed to smile and pose for the camera outside fake courtrooms giving press conferences that never happened. Hardly. What you’re seeing is nauseating marketing, spin, snake oil, […]
Posts tagged "Hillsborough"
Let’s enforce the “Safe Distance” Law Now
How many of you, cycling on public roads, would like to see cars pass you, your friends and family with a safe distance? How many of you have heard about the”3 Feet Rule”? How many of you know (from personal experience or otherwise) cars don’t pass 3 feet away from cyclists? How many of you […]
How Do I Pick Lawyer for My Case?
If you Googled the title of this article and came here, there’s a reason. You’ve had an injury from a crash and have spoken with the infamous “insurance adjuster” person. The other insurance company may be telling you “We haven’t established liability yet.” or “We need to talk to our insured.” You are probably thinking: […]