Hyping the supposed greed of injured people is what big companies do
Many clients when I meet them for the first time will say to me: “I’ve never hired a lawyer before.” or “I don’t sue just for anything.” The don’t they realize it but, that is absolutely the truth. Every client I have ever had has been genuinely hurt, was affected in their lives significantly by their injury and had their lives changed by what the trauma of their incident. They were hurt to the extent they still have pain and difficulty sometimes even 25 years when I hear from them at Christmas or after they get their birthday card from me. My new clients are embarrassed, humiliated, or ashamed because they feel like society, their family and friends say they should “just let it go,” “it was just an accident,” and they are “just doing it for the money.” You can’t help but notice, big insurance companies and corporations are also putting out these false meme. Hmmmmm. It’s a lie by big business just like the lies and propaganda which they’ve been spinning for years under the name “advertising.” Big business has been ruining our lives with propaganda (“advertising”) since the 18th Century. The destruction of the women’s health of the world by vile, disgusting cigarette companies after a profit is just one horrific example of big businesses immoral use of media to make money.
Let’s correct that false framing. Well, “duhhhhh” yes, this is correct. The only thing jury can award is money. So, last time I checked, the same place those Big Business lies belong is where magic wands are found: fairy tales. No judge or jury has a magic wand, so you can’t you can’t be ashamed about filing a lawsuit for money. That’s all juries can award when you are hurt. Every time a big Corporation files a lawsuit, do you expect the judge or jury to award something to “unhurt” its feelings cure its horrible body scars, deformed leg, brain injury? No, that’s ridiculous. Big business files lawsuits for money, but with an individual files she’s greedy because she wants money? Bullshit. Jury trials are about justice. All judges and juries can award is money.
When you’ve had something taken away from you, legal justice comes only in one form. You get it back. When your healthy neck or back, unbroken leg, arm, facial bones, foot or hip is injured, you can’t get those back your returned or the horrible scars you look at everyday swished away, the jury has to make the defendant’s insurance company (it’s always an insurance company) pay you money to pay you back for what the defendant took from you.
Many people after they been injured in a car crash or other incident feel defensive because there is a constant drumbeat of propaganda by insurance companies, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and, here in Florida, The dishonest Associated Industries of Florida bleating over and over to make the case anybody who is a “plaintiff” or sues because they been injured is “faking it,” is “dishonest” or their lawsuit is “frivolous,” “just for money.” The parade of planted news stories of fraud on insurance companies (from the insurance industry funded National Insurance Crime Bureau or the fake “American Tort Reform Association” usually) makes it seem like that all there is. It’s on television, the web and Youtube.
Let me point out there that that’s the classic definition of fraud right there folks. These are just claims the corporate spokesperson is paid to say. Fraud is when a person (or corporate spokesperson) says something they know to be false. “Lie” is a strong word. “Lie” means the statement that is a lie can never be true. Thanks to science and good research techniques we know that people who file lawsuits are just as likely to have pain, as the folks who didn’t file suits.

Areas of the body which are the most likely to be in pain after a car crash.
In an article published in the scholarly (and peer-reviewed journal Pain, researchers tested this big-corporation propaganda lie and found it wrong every way from Sunday. What they studied was whether people had continuing pain after a neck injury and did and didn’t file lawsuits. They surveyed both the people that didn’t file a lawsuit and those that did file and they found something interesting. As the researchers put it when discussing the results: “These data demonstrate that persistent pain after MVC [motor vehicle crash] is common among those not engaged in litigation, and provide evidence for bidirectional influences between pain outcomes and litigation after MVC.” It takes a few thoughts to break that down, but what they’re saying is: lawsuits don’t make people say they are in pain. They are actually in pain:
This was a large sample of people in the research. The larger your number of research subjects, the greater the validity of the conclusions for determining truth- I.O.W. in terms of validity. The researchers found “among the 859 of 948 (91%) participants completing 6-week follow-up, 711 of 849 (83%) were nonlitigants. Compared to those non litigants, the litigants … had more severe neck pain and overall pain and a greater extent of pain at the time of [emergency department] evaluation. Among individuals not engaged in litigation, persistent pain 6 weeks after MVC [motor vehicle crash] was common: 199 of 711 (28%) had moderate or severe neck pain, 92 of 711 (13%) had widespread pain, and 29 of 711 (4%) had fibromyalgia-like symptoms. Incidence of all 3 outcomes [of the pain they were having] was significantly higher among litigants…. These data demonstrate that persistent pain after [motor vehicle crash] is common among those not engaged in litigation.”
What does this mean? It simply means the pain people who file lawsuits have the same pain as the folks who do not. Meaning: people in crashes who file lawsuits do so because they have real pain, not just “for the money.” They are just as hurt as the folks who don’t file lawsuits.
Done. Next time you see some corporate advertising or you hear someone say: “folk file lawsuits only for the money.” Answer back: “That’s an insurance company lie. That’s been proven wrong by verified research. ”
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I am a full-service personalized, personal injury lawyer with a statewide practice in all 67 counties. I have 31 years of experience to put to work for you. Call so I can answer your questions: 1-800 – 535 – 3002. Email: [email protected] Skype: ScienceCan Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JSteeleLaw/ Twitter: @JSteeleOlmstead or @FlaBicyleLawyr Whatsapp: J. Steele Olmstead Instagram: jsteeleolmstead.
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