There are times when you need to have your paperwork in your hand so you can sell your vehicle. All Florida vehicle sales from dealers involve “electronic titles” when there’s a loan on the vehicle. That’s all well and good, but if you are one of the 1,081 car crashes in Florida every day, then an electronic title does you no good. Also, if your car is flooded, burned up, or a tree falls on it, you need your title now. Why?
Well, there’s an insurance company who has a lien on the car or wants to pay you for the damage to your car because its insured hit you.
So? The “so” factor here is it will not pay you for your car until it gets the signed titled.
Ohhhh….. Right.
That’s how insurance companies make money. They take in premiums and they find every, single, little, nit-picking, penny-ante, minuscule, tensy, tiny way to delay paying your money to you. Think I exaggerate? Ask literally anyone who has had an automobile insurance claim.
Why is this a problem? Well, last time I checked, you still need transportation to work, grocery store, school, daycare, errands. You need transportation.
So the problem occurs when you have a crash. The process is as follows: You get the other persons insurance company information. You call it. Now, sometimes you even have to report the claim because the other guy didn’t. If he did you give the adjuster your information and where the car is located. Then, the adjuster sends you a package for you to sign and return. THAT package requests you to send it all back with a “signed title.” Oops… if you have an electronic title that’s a problem. You don’t have a title to sign and send back. That’s why you need a paper title in your safe of important papers.
Wait, I have a loan on my car! Yes, you do. So does everyone else. NOT to worry. When you get the paper title, it will the bank’s name on it. However, you still have your paper title and you will be able to jump through the most common hangup used by insurance companies to delay paying what it owes.
Here’s the link to order the title. Oh, and best of all it’s $4.50 for all of this peace of mind.
Stop clicking now if you are injured and searching for an attorney.
I am a full-service, personalized, personal injury lawyer with more than 34 years of experience to put to work for you. I handle cases in all 67 Florida counties.
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