When the human brain is damaged by any force from a fall, a bicycle or motor vehicle crash, life is changed.
I can help you.
A brain injury is the last thing on your mind, until it’s the only thing that’s on your mind. I can help you face it and recover from it.
We humans have the advantage with our brainpower over the other animals on the planet. The disadvantage of that is the very fragile nature of this essential organ. In our brain is everything that makes us human: our sight, taste, smell, speech, touch, knowledge of how to feed and dress ourselves, personality, loves, likes, dislikes, favorite color, education, reasoning, judgment, willpower, memories of childhood or of one moment ago, and our strongest beliefs. ‘Traumatic,’ ‘brain,’ and ‘injury’ are three of the most dreaded words heard by the survivors of any kind of crash or trauma. No one wants to have to face this reality.
A human brain is affected by the slightest movement and damaged just as easily.
It is unnerving when you see the anatomy and discover how fragile the brain is. Below are are two videos of a functional MRI (fMRI) of a human’s brain moving inside the human skull using only the power of neck muscles. To assist you seeing the movement of the actual brain tissue, the brain is crisscrossed with small squares or matrices (matrix squares) to show more clearly the motion of the brain tissue in each square. In the first video, the person moves their head forward and backward.
Note the motion of the matrices showing the actual movement of the person’s brain tissue inside the skull. Now, observe the motion as the person twists her head side to side:
This is the only every day occurrence which the brain and its protective tissues can handle. However, now imagine, the forces involved in a 40 mile-per-hour car, truck or bicycle crash where the speed is much faster than a human body is designed to carry itself. it is obvious if the brain moves as much as we see in the above MRIs, movement caused by greater speed and forces will clearly cause some degree of brain injury.
Trauma to the brain is not the same, it’s a concussion.
A concussion can be caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body that causes the head and brain to move quickly back and forth. Even if not life threatening, a concussion may change the way the brain works and sometimes can be very serious. You may experience a range of symptoms after your injury, such as difficulty concentrating, dizziness or trouble falling asleep.
According to the CDC concussions/traumatic brain injuries are”caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth.” Often, the rear impact to a car or being hit on a bicycle causes the brain to go back and forth inside the skull. The medical term for this is coup contrecoup. It is graphically demonstrated to the right.
What the experts tell us to do
The injured person must be monitored for more serious symptoms. They cannot do it. Make sure a family member or friend knows about the injury and monitors the injured person for more serious symptoms. The injured person must get plenty of rest and sleep and return gradually and slowly to their usual routines. Don’t drink alcohol. Avoid activities that are physically demanding or require a lot of concentration. Do not resume sports unless you see a doctor. A repeat below to your head, before your brain has time to heal, can be extremely dangerous and will slow recovery or increase the chance for further problems.
After the injury, if the injured person has a worsening or a severe headache, loses consciousness, starts vomiting, has increased confusion, a seizure, numbness, or any symptoms that concern you, your family or friends return immediately to the hospital emergency department.
Concussions/T.B.I.s/Brain Injuries happen every day — the ER doctor misses them
The US Centers for Disease Control reports that TBI is a leading cause of disability and death in the United States. Approximately 1.7 million U.S. Americans sustained a TBI annually. Of those, approximately 1.4 million were treated and released from emergency departments (EDs), 275,000 are hospitalized and discharged alive, and 52,000 died. These statistics do not include persons who had a TBI but did not seek medical care. Some medical estimates suggest that persons who did not seek care might account for one fourth of all persons who sustain a TBI in the United States. Most TBI survivors have some degree of disability in concentration, memory, personality, mood change or other cognitive function of the brain.
“No head injury is too severe to despair of, nor too trivial to ignore.”
-Hippocrates 460 BCE to 370 BCE. “The father of medicine”
After an injury, if your friends and family notice something is wrong with your speech and you notice your brain is not working the same, call me I can help.
Stop searching. Call me. 800-535-3002
I am a full-service personalized, personal injury lawyer with a statewide practice in all 67 counties. I have 31 years of experience to put to work for you. Call me so I can answer your questions: 1-800 – 535 – 3002. Email: [email protected] Skype: ScienceCan Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JSteeleLaw/ Twitter: @JSteeleOlmstead or @FlaBicyleLawyr Whatsapp: J. Steele Olmstead Instagram: jsteeleolmstead.
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