Recently an article in the publication box highlighted a wonderful new book by the author Jesse Singer. The book is called “There Are No Accidents.”

I won’t bore you with my writing so here’s a link to the article:
What is obvious, is the numbers of deaths are staggering. Each day approximately 90 people in the United States die from automobile crashes. In the US each year, more than 1600 children younger than 15 diet traffic crashes.On the average 2 million motor vehicle drivers will experience a permanent injury as a result of an automobile crash. Think about that. There’s only 332 million people in the United States. Take out your calculator and you’ll learn 6/10 of 1% of the US population will have a permanent injury from a car crash.
That’s you. That’s your family member. That’s your coworker.
There are no “accidents.” That’s an insurance company propaganda term. Lawyers who use it, don’t know what they are talking about.
If your lawyer is saying “accident,” maybe you have the wrong lawyer.
These are very very serious statistics with very serious information to guide us.
With such a serious situation, why would you choose a lawyer who appears on the television between the the constant drug commercials or awful fast food commercials? Or puts his billboard in with the Wawa or plumbing billboards on every single road?
Those lawyers were of any quality you would think that they would not have to advertise. You are looking at my advertising. If you found this webpage that’s the extent of it. Ask any of my former clients: I am there for them.

Stop clicking now if you are injured and searching for an attorney.
I am a full-service, personalized, personal injury lawyer with 35 years of experience to put to work for you. I handle cases in all 67 Florida counties.
Call me with questions about your injury: 1-800 – 535 – 3002. Email: [email protected]; Facebook: Twitter: @JSteeleOlmstead or @FlaBicyleLawyr Whatsapp: J. Steele Olmstead; Instagram: jsteeleolmstead.
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